deane and co


A new Brandmark, Corporate Stationary and Website for Deane&Co - expert audiologists with offices in Melbourne, Australia. Deane&Co use the most advanced hearing diagnostic equipment and work directly with world leading manufacturers, to custom design personalised hearing solutions.


The logotype we created for Deane&Co features classical typography, albeit with a modern twist and colour palette, to reflect Deane&Co’s experience, expertise and innovation in hearing diagnostic technology and solutions.


The website is designed to reflect the company’s impressive credentials. Functionality is responsive; meaning it adapts for use on all digital platforms. Navigation for ipad and iphone is designed to be interactive and engaging via ‘quick-link’ images. There's also main navigation tabs for desktop use. The website includes product pages, product reviews, a journal that is updated regularly with the latest thinking in audiology and hearing technology releases - plus testimonial video’s from Deane&Co clients. Video’s are uploaded via Youtube and linked through to the website, this is 'best practice' for website SEO and google rankings.


To work in conjunction with the logotype a simple favicon was designed. Used on a variety of digital media platforms, a favicon is the image placed beside the URL in your browser window, when you navigate to a website. It's also a great device for use in social media.