START Foundation



The START foundation is a not-for-profit organisation based in Melbourne. START empowers amputees in life through sport, by providing grants to purchase sports prosthesis or adaptive equipment, to help them achieve their sporting dreams. When START foundation contacted us they had well and truly outgrown their existing brandmark and website.


START required a brand makeover to create warmth and excitement around the foundation, to resonate with existing and potential grant recipients and ultimately attract new corporate sponsorship, to expand their grant program. A bold, unique and adaptable brand was required. They also needed an engaging and user friendly responsive website.


Asset consolidation is always a major concern for clients. Grant recipients supplied high-resolution images and general photography was sourced with the help of STARTS generous suppliers and partners. As a ‘Not For Profit’ budget was understandably a major concern. We worked with START to choose a CMS that suited their functionality and budget requirements.


Brand Design
The brandmark we created for START features bold colourful graphics and typography, to ensure a strong and engaging brand presence across all digital, print and promotional media. A bold heart shape flipped on its side represents a starting point or way forward for grant recipients with a brighter future through participation in sport. The vivid pink heart reflects the heartfelt compassion of all those involved in the START foundation.

Website Design
A website is usually a brands first and main touch point, so getting it right in terms of design and user experience is vital. The new responsive website features START grant recipients stories and sporting achievements, alongside the history, credentials and expertise of the foundation, to encourage corporate and private sponsors to get involved. A grants application page allows potential grant recipients to apply online and an upcoming events page allows online event registration. The latest news (blog) can be updated regularly with the latest START events and funding activities. Donations to START can be made directly through the website with a receipt automatically generated for both the donor and the START foundation. The shop makes it very easy for viewers to purchase products which START can upload and monitor themselves, the CMS also generates the end of financial year accounts for the client. Website functionality is responsive; meaning it adapts for use on all digital platforms. Navigation for iPad and iPhone is interactive and engaging, via ‘quick-link’ images. (There's also main navigation tabs for desktop use.) Importantly, the CMS we specified is easy to use, allowing START to update their website as required.

Engaging copy is a must for any website. Copywriting and editing throughout the website ensures a consistent tone of voice, whilst also respecting the very personal stories written by some of the START foundation grant recipients.

Favicon Design
A Favicon was designed to work in conjunction with the START brand. Technically, a Favicon is the image that is placed beside the URL in your browser window. However the graphic device we designed adapts for use across a range of digital and social media platforms, event signage and merchandise.


Wow, I feel a real sense of pride when it comes on screen. It’s such a compelling statement of what we do! Thanks ThompsonCooke Creative. Awesome!
Michelle Jelleff - START foundation, Founding Director/Chair